Consent Forms
Under 18 and want a tatty or shiny poke-poke? State law says you need that permission slip from your parents, don't worry, getting their permission is the hardest part of this new journey, the rest is super easy,
just print out the correct form below and
bring it to an official notary with your parent or legal guardian before your appointment.
Don't have a notary or know what one is? we provided a link at the bottom of this page.
➡ Tattooing & Piercing:
Must be accompanied by legal guardian.
➡ We require all clients to produce photo identification upon request.
Valid forms of identification are:
➼Driver's License
➼BYID Card
➼Military ID Card
➼Birth Certificate w/ Student Photo ID Card
Legal guardians must also provide one of the above forms of identification and sign a notarized consent and release form. If the guardian is not the birth parent of the client, we will also require proof of guardianship in the form of Adoption papers, Foster Care papers, etc. Guardians must be present for procedures on minors.